
As time goes by

Posted in General at 11 am

Aug 13 Sun (11 AM)

From the catching up on old stuff department, Amy and I watched Casablanca last night. It was a Kozmo rental that’s due back today or tomorrow, I forget which. It really is amazing to see just how many cultural references refer to this film: ‘I think this is the begining of a beautiful friendship’, ‘Here’s looking at you, kid’, ‘Play it Sam’ (often referred to as ‘Play it again, Sam’), ‘The problems of three people don’t amount to a hill of beans’.

And on and on. I was really disapointed by the VHS release which has a 45 minute tribute to the film, which gives away major plot points which could have just as easily been placed at the back of the tape, and hinted at at the top of the video. After the first 20 mintues, I fast forwarded through it and got on with the film. Then I went back and watched the tribute. A much better sequence.

Yesterday was transportation day as I picked up the following at Fred Meyer: A steering wheel cover, a bicycle pump and a pair of shoelaces. Oh yes, I am a man on the move.

I’m going through a box of old Macworlds circa late 93, through 96. It’s interesting to read articles on QuickDraw GX, Taligent and ‘The Information Superhighway’ which had just become coined by Gore. However my favorite by far, and which I’ve clipped out to save, in a November 1994 column by Guy Kawasaki. In 1994, Michael Spindler was the head of Apple, The PowerPC had just been introduced. It’s a flight of fancy, a column that describes impossible events. It’s headline?

Steve Jobs to Return as Apple CEO

“Said Jobs, from the headquaters of Next, ‘At first I dismissed the idea whent the Apple board contacted me. However, because I’m now a father, I needed a steadier income source.'”

Nice shot, Guy…



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