
Curses, Foiled Again – Class – DSR

Posted in General at 12 pm

Looks like the apartment has slipped on by. The landlord was buttered up by another couple, and they got the place. But the guy did return our application fee, so that was pretty cool. It’s too bad, because the landlord seemed like a good guy, honest, and a sense of humour.

Cancel the change of address cards for now.

Last night was my second class at PSU. It went pretty well and I happy about how the class is coming along, though I wish I could pick up the pace a bit more. I’ve decided that instead of trying to make some enormous outline of everything that needs to be covered in the class, in order, I’ll instead make each topic into little modules and use the syllubus as a guideline, but not a strict set of marching orders.

This will give me the rigor of having notes and points to cover for each topic, but the flexibility of being able to discuss topics in a manner that befits the class flow.

I’m starting to get a feel of how the class flows, and when things are clicking or not. It’s nice to see when the thoughts and concepts are pouring into their eyes and ears and still being able to come out through their fingertips.

It’s exciting. 🙂

Dark Side Rising: Today I’m the not so proud receiver of a PC. It’s a Pentium III from Dell and takes up the other half of my desk.

(Now with the 17″ from the PC and the 21″ for the Mac, I’ll probably start glowing in the dark. At least Amy will be able to use me as a night light.)

Monitor, speakers, keyboard, the whole bit. It’s for the Cold Fusion development suite that we’re going to be working with (and the Oracle stuff after that), but I figure I can make some lemonade from this by making it a dual boot Linux/Windows box. At least then I’ll be able to play with a UNIX box that’s not in a production environment. I’ve not had that opportunity before. I can crash it all I want and not worry about loosing the company’s e-mail server. (I’ve only done that once… honest! Sorry Jock…) 🙂

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