
An IMDB outrage

Posted in General at 4 pm

Oct 22 Fri (04 PM)

What an outrage… take a look at this:

This was a banner that I saw on the Internet Movie Database. I can understand registering with the site to get more features, but registering in order to get ‘ease of use’? That’s just crazy.

I’ve yet to see anything, car, web sites, software, elevators, phones, etc. that gets easier to use as you add more features. For the most part, the rates of increase for these attributes are lines heading in opposite directions.

Even besides that issue, it seems like there really ought to be a ‘Computer User’s Bill of Rights’ with Right Number 1 being ‘The right to software that is easy to use with little or no investment on the user’s part.’ Right Number Two would be something along the lines of ‘The right to software that is powerful and easy to use with instructions that can fit in a small brochure.’

The concept of having to pay for ‘ease of use’ does not bode well for the future of the web. It’s a very scary precedent.

To repeat last week’s link for Halloween costume ideas:


Amy and I have a great lead for another apartment. Cross your fingers for us…


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