The Art of Human Computer Interface Design
Home and finally done for the day. The meeting for the Webmaster’s group was a lot of fun. But I think I may have been a bit too enthusiastic. I started going off about virtually every aspect of developing the OMSI web site from the Server Side Includes to the CGIs that I’ve worked up. I asked a couple of times if the other people there minded me just digging into the aspects of these web pages. They encouraged me to keep going, but they may have just been being nice.
Amy says she pointed a link to my journal in her journal at < <http://www.spiritone.com/~giovanni/> >. Tit-for-tat… 🙂
Oh, books I’ve been reading: The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design which is basically a manifesto by Apple circa 1990. Also Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, which is an O’Reiley book, plus all the usual web journals:
and I’d like to read <http://www.builder.com/> from c|net, but I can’t stand how slow their web pages render. Waaaaay too many tables. (Can you see I’m getting a lot of use out of this auto URL linking?)
I wonder if/when my family will find this journal.